The movie is coming together slowly. It will be 7 to 8 minutes long, and I hope to finish by March of next year. So far, I've been focusing all of my attention on the first scene, which is about 90% complete. Scene 2 is rather short and most of it is plotted out, while Scene 3 has little to nothing. Along with Scene 1, I'm also working on the final scene, what with Super Sonic and Eggman.
Here's a few new things from what I've been working on.
New Screenshots:
Animation: /SXTI-Test-Animation-57950266
Extras: /SXTI-Extras-64010089
*NEW* Super Sonic Loop Test /Super-Sonic-Test-Loop-66866425
Well that's all from me for now. I don't update often but when I do, first place to see is at my deviantart page here:
Wow! I really anticipate the release of your cartoon! Is that screenshot, Hyper Sonic? It looks like a lot of work is going into this, and no doubt its going to hit the top 50 list...and good luck with the hand, hope it's better soon ^^